lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020


Hi guys,
Today we continue with the last Unit of Science
Remember that the main topic is “ELECETRICITY”
First, we would like you to watch this VIDEO: (The subtitles are available)
After watching the video, you have to read carefully the page 68 and 69 of your Pupil's Book
When you have finished reading the pages you should be ready to create a “MIND MAP” (esquema)
The mind map needs to have the all the information you can find on pages 68 and 69.
You can copy all the info from the book, add more info from you knowledge and organize it the way you want! BE CREATIVE!
You have two options to complete the task:
  • ·         Draw your Mind Map on your note book and post a picture of it on PADLET
  • ·         Use this website “Mind Mup” to create a mind map using your computer and post the link on PADLET: 
It doesn’t matter which option you pick
Good luck guys

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