Hello everyone,

Today we are going to do a little research. You have to choose a great inventor who has contributed to science throughout history.
When you have chosen that inventor you have to upload information about him or her to PADLET

You can do it as you want. You can do it on paper and upload a photo, you can do it in Word and upload the document, you can use the Mind Mup tool: https://www.mindmup.com/
Do it as you want.
You can include the information that you consider most important about your inventor
Here we leave you a list with some of the best or most important inventors in history:
Thomas Edison 1847-1931
Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1869
George Washington Carver 1864-1943
Eli Whitney 1765-1825
Johannes Gutenberg 1394-1468
John Logie Baird 1888-1946
Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790
Henry Ford 1863-1947
James Naismith 1861-1939
Herman Hollerith 1860-1929
Nikola Tesla
Steve Jobs
Hedy Lamarr
Margaret "Mattie" Knight
Letitia Geer

Mary Walton